Rejection is an experience that all of us want to avoid – sometimes at all costs. It causes sorrow, deep hurt and even suicide. Colossians 3:13 reads that even as Jesus Christ forgave us so we must forgive each other. Be encouraged by pastor John as he shares in this post how he received healing and deliverance from deep-rooted rejection.
” Rejection or to be cast aside was very real to me. I was born colour-blind and suffered from the negative consequences of Meningitis. My father rejected me for 32 years! He never encouraged me and I wasn’t achieving according to his standards. I spoke to my friends about the situation, but it didn’t help. One day God showed me through a specific incident that my rejection was deep-rooted. During a return trip from a mission outreach in South Africa I stopped and watched a farmer who was cleaning his wattle plantation before he could use the ground for the next crop.

The trees had already been felled and a big yellow bulldozer with a huge ripper plough was busy pulling out the stumps and roots. There was a huge pile of roots! I often thought about this scene. One day my best friend said to me: get rid of your rejection. I listened to him. During a counseling session I poured out my heart to God. I cried and cried. I forgave my father. God’s love filled my heart and comforted me. I found acceptance at last! What type of harvest do you want in your life? Plow up the evil roots in you, forgive yourself and others and reap a harvest of God’s unfailing love. You will be made complete with the fullness of new hope and God’s acceptance. Do you struggle with addictions? Whatsapp us your name and type of addiction at cell no 0723806586 We want to pray for you!